Does organizing a music festival sound like something you would like to do?
For more information on the Board of Directors, please visit BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
The one festival that celebrates and honors those who FEED and FUEL America.
Dreamed up in 2004, the Anderson County Corn Festival, a/k/a, “Cornstock”, started out as “One day of corn, music and … fun”. In celebration of the area’s agricultural heritage and specifically the impact of corn, Cornstock was born.
Today, the Anderson County Corn Festival, Inc.* consists of a fifteen member board and over one hundred volunteers who create an annual festival that is growing and growing, with the goal of being one of the largest festivals in Kansas. Cornstock - the Anderson County Corn Festival, is a collaborative effort that provides quality entertainment and activities for visitors while mentoring leadership skills to young adults and helping over 25 civic, church and educational non-profit groups fund-raise. Vital sponsorship support from corporations, small businesses and dedicated individuals fuel the operations of this annual event, now in its 19th year and counting.
A special thanks to our sponsors, who if not for them this event would not be possible.
Experience Garnett through these sites:
The festival emphasizes providing a venue for many civic, church and school organizations to fund-raise. Also, donations are made directly to organizations that help with the festival, thus becoming a fund-raiser for those organizations as well. Those include:
Anderson County Fair
Anderson County Farm Bureau Day on the Farm
Anderson County Youth Baseball
Garnett Optimist Club
Garnett Lions Club
Anderson County High School Junior Class
Garnett Rotary Club
Church of the Nazarene
First United Methodist Church
Garnett Knights of Columbus
Westphalia Knights of Columbus
Garnett Booster Club
Kansas Masons
Boy Scout Troop 126
Garnett Fire Department
SCC Honor Flight
St. Teresa’s CYO
St. Rose Catholic School Support
CASA of 4th Judicial District
Cherry Mound 4-H
Anderson County 4-H
ACHS Chess Club
USD 365 Endowment Association
Anderson County Hospital Foundation
ACHS Class of 2011-Class of 2016
Neosho Lodge #27
Central Heights Middle School
St. Boniface – Carmelite Stars
Garnett Area Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry
Lake Garnett Sporting Club
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Anderson & Franklin Counties
The Chamber Players Community Theatre
Southeast Kansas Down Syndrome Society
WINGS - Women in Need Gaining Strength
Throughout the year we give donations to various organizations, and ACCF is an active, paying member of the Garnett Area Chamber of Commerce. This festival is the largest event in this area and is a significant boost to the local economy
ABOUT US: The Anderson County Corn Festival Inc, is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.
The specific objectives and purposes of this corporation are:
1. To establish, maintain and operate an annual festival to promote the improvement and patronage of cultural events, live theater, visual, and musical arts in Anderson County, Kansas;
2. To establish, maintain and operate festival facilities for the general artistic use by the general public in Anderson County;
3. To educate, train and mentor individuals in the operation, management and leadership of a festival and/or special events for fund-raising purposes for community civic, church and non-for-profit organizations.
The Anderson County Corn Festival, Inc. encourages community involvement, specifically by area youth. Scholarships have been established by ACCF to be awarded to recipients who are currently enrolled in high school or higher education.
After 20 years of featuring more many charitable causes, we are adding the Cornstock Scholarship Program to that list!
Copyright © Cornstock - The Anderson County Corn Festival, Inc.